About Friends of Cotteridge Park
The Friends of Cotteridge Park (FOCP) was set up in 1997 after the park was threatened with the loss of services including our on-site park keeper. Local residents mounted a successful campaign and the park was saved. Since then park users have been working tirelessly to improve the park’s infrastructure and to provide services and activities that meet the needs of the local community.
Volunteers do all sorts of things:
regular litter picks (to supplement the weekly one paid for by your council tax)
planting and maintenance of trees and plants
supporting school and youth group visits
providing opportunities for physical activity – to keep us all healthier & happier
arranging social activities from CoCoMAD to the Wassail
raising funding for the park from trusts, grants & local businesses
campaigning to ensure that our park is safe for future generations
New volunteers are always welcome and if you want to get involved you can get in touch by email at info@cotteridgepark.org.uk
Friends of Cotteridge Park CIO
Friends of Cotteridge Park is a registered charity in England and Wales. (1181644).
On the Charity Commission’s website you can read more about our charity’s aims and our trustees.
Click here to see our most recent annual accounts and annual report.
Friends of Cotteridge Park AGM - 18 November 2024 at The Shed 7pm
Click here for the AGM agenda - Click her for the minutes of the previous AGM
Friends of the Friends of Cotteridge Park
We’re part of Birmingham Open Spaces Forum, a network of people who love and care for Birmingham’s open spaces. They can help if you want to start a Friends group for your park or open space.
If you want to set up your own community group get in touch with Birmingham Community Matters.
Photo by @smallbeartravelling
Photo by Jim Adams